Special Offer for the Holiday Season!
FREE Shipping of our DVDs
+ Full REFUND for Your Online Pass!
For a Limited Time Only! FREE Shipping on our DVD & our Premium Package of DVD + Blessed Crucifix from Jerusalem & FULL Refund of your money for the Online Watch ($1.99)
This Limited Offer, is an Opportunity for a Great Gift idea for the coming HOLIDAY SEASON. Let your close friends and family members, grow their faith in GOD and Jesus!
Watch the Movie on your TV Screen (the larger the better) in Full HD quality and you will feel as if you were part of the procession in Jerusalem. Playing the DVD on your TV, you can share this experience with your family and friends when they come for a visit.
The Via Dolorosa Experience DVD

Regular Price: $19.96 (include $4.97 for shipping)
Special Offer: $12.99 (FREE shipping after $2.00 Refund)
[paypal amount='12.99' currency=USD description='Special Offer: The Via Dolorosa Experience DVD' lp='Billing' text='BUY THE DVD' return_url="https://theviadolorosa.com/thank-you-dvd/?utm_nooverride=1" ]Premium Package: The Via Dolorosa Experience DVD + Crucifix

Regular Price: $24.96 (include $4.97 for shipping)
Special Offer: $17.99 (FREE shipping after $2.00 Refund)
[paypal amount='17.99' currency=USD description='Special Offer: The Via Dolorosa Experience DVD+Crucifix' lp='Billing' text='BUY THE DVD + CRUCIFIX' return_url="https://theviadolorosa.com/thank-you-dvd-crucifix/?utm_nooverride=1" ]Order Multiple Copies
Take this opportunity and order Multiple copies of the DVD or even our Premium Package and get additional 10% discount (for order greater than 4 copies). Just email as at theviadolorosaexp@gmail.com.and we will get back to you.